heather d gallagher, m.s.
detailed project history - electronic data systems

501 SCOTT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 415.252.8398
senior consultant
September 2001 - November 2001
Heather provided SeeBeyond support to Oncology Therapeutics Network by determining hardware requirements for SpiderWeb prototype, developing and documenting prototype transactions between Blue Martini customer profile and Oracle Financials application, and leading prototype demonstration for client approval.
Technologies: SeeBeyond e*Gate Integrator, Oracle Financials, Java, Microsoft Word, and Outlook
senior consultant
July - August 2001
As part of the Navy Marine Corps Intranet Web Portal effort, Heather prepared the NMCI PCL Lab SeeBeyond environment. She installed software on Windows2000 servers using distributed registry capabilities, providing a fail-over solution for testing. Heather also imported the SeeBeyond schema to prepare for integration testing with the Plumtree portal and worked with team members in Virginia to complete the Installation Guide for NMCI.
Technologies: SeeBeyond e*Gate Integrator, Plumtree, Microsoft Word, and Outlook
senior consultant
April 2001
For OAN Services, Heather led a corporate portal selection effort. By working with OAN executives to gather portal and reporting requirements, managing vendor shortlist exercises, coordinating vendor presentations, creating scorecards for the vendor presentations, and compiling results and customer deliverables. Heather led the presentation of final recommendations to the executive team.
Technologies: Visio, Microsoft Word, Excel, Project, and Outlook
senior consultant
December 2000 - March 2001
Heather lead a knowledge transfer effort to allow Visa to gain knowledge and understanding of an e*Gate Integrator solution previously implemented by SeeBeyond. Heather created document taxonomy for the Visa team, coordinated knowledge sharing sessions, and performed quality assurance on documentation. Heather participated in architecture planning sessions and worked with Visa's Technical Documentation group.
Technologies: SeeBeyond e*Gate Integrator, Visio, Microsoft Word, Excel, Project, and Outlook
senior consultant
October - November 2000
For Florida Power and Light, Heather designed and constructed prototype software, using SeeBeyond's e*Gate Integrator tool and its proprietary Monk programming language, during proof-of-concept phase to translate substation data to and from XML. She also prepared customer deliverables with SeeBeyond management.
Technologies: SeeBeyond e*Gate Integrator, XML, Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook
senior consultant
September 2000
During a prototype effort for Canada Post, Heather designed a re-useable SeeBeyond architecture to implement a large number of similar interfaces, and prepared customer deliverables.
Technologies: SeeBeyond e*Gate Integrator, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook
senior consultant
May 2000 - August 2000
During prototype effort for Visa, Heather architected, designed and constructed prototype software during proof-of-concept phase using an XML interface and conversion capabilities in SeeBeyond's e*Gate Integrator tool to improve Visa customer offerings. Heather worked with SeeBeyond to prepare client deliverables.
Technologies: SeeBeyond e*Gate Integrator, XML, WinDiff, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook
information specialist
September 1999 - March 2000
Supplementing a Visual Basic development team, Heather participated in AT&T Wholesale Markets ADOMS Enhancement Project by establishing initial workflow enablement of Wholesale markets ordering and provisioning process. She assisted in creation of project proposal, participated in process and requirements review sessions, created dynamic workflow reports using Crystal Reports, and consulted on visual design of user interface. Heather leaded development of web-based reporting through page flows, mock-ups, and graphics. She created reporting, user action list, and web accessibility test cases and built complex views in Oracle to support reports.
Technologies: Crystal Reports, Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise, Microsoft Visual Interdev, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Paint Shop Pro, HTML, UML, InConcert, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Access, and Outlook, Oracle, SQL*Plus
information specialist
August 1999 - September 1999
As part of Web-Based Solutions Center of Excellence, assisted in prototype development to support Winstar contract definition. Heather designed a web-based application to support dynamic reporting of development change requests, defined application page flow and prototype scope content, and created graphics and page layouts adhering to Winstar's web presence. Heather wrote Java programs to create dynamic report criteria selection and report viewing web pages. She updated existing Access database to allow web application user administration and participated in customer review sessions and strategy meetings.
Technologies: Macromedia Dreamweaver, Paint Shop Pro, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JDK, JSDK, Weblogic Server, Weblogic HTMLKona, Microsoft Access and Outlook
information specialist
June 1999 - July 1999
Heather participated in RFP and Proposal efforts for AT&T's CADM Legacy Gateway 2000.01 Release and had responsibility for Release 2000.01 and 2000.04 requirements gathering for Dedicated Communication Services Gateway. She participated in calls discussing ordering and billing scenarios, error resolution, and billing hierarchies, she Lead analysis teams for both releases in creation of Requirements and Design deliverables, and impacted and created high-level designs for change requests introduced into each release.
Technologies: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Project, and Outlook
information specialist
February 1999 - May 1999
Supporting an AT&T local initiative, Heather prepared the Phase 1 analysis deliverable and developed static end customer bill presentment prototype for use as sales tool and for requirements gathering purposes. She established an effective and attractive application look that integrated into customer's existing web presence, and was responsible for the development and enforcement of GUI and webpage standards for the complex web-based application. She participated in requirements gathering sessions with data entry user management, and identified and documented process flows for document receipt, document imaging, data entry, and reporting procedures. Heather created page mock-ups for dynamic presentation of a variety of data entry and manager reports and was part of red-team efforts for Phase 2 analysis and design deliverables.
Technologies: Macromedia Dreamweaver, Paint Shop Pro, HTML, Weblogic Tengah Server, Oracle, JDK, JSDK, Visual Source Safe, TOAD, Microsoft Word and Outlook
information specialist
January 1998 - January 1999
Part of leadership team on full lifecycle development for AT&T's CADM Legacy Gateway interface with WATS/SOP. Heather assisted in preparation of requirements, design, system test, and volume test deliverables. She held requirements gathering sessions with AT&T counterparts, helped plan and execute the first system execution with production volume data, and conducted training sessions for EDS and AT&T project teams on the content, structure, and lifecycle of service orders. Other responsibilities included: analysis, design, and code walkthroughs; identification and implementation of billing and maintenance business rule logic; project issue resolution; and mentoring. Heather also participated in feasibility and definition deliverable preparation for future releases, supported statement of work and impact assessment for future EDS project contracts, and was responsible for CADM Legacy Gateway intranet website construction and maintenance. She collected necessary documentation from EDS and AT&T teams, performed document and image conversions, ensured timely and consistent information was available and that standards were maintained across the entire CADM site.
Technologies: HTML, Microsoft Image Composer, Netscape, Visio, Connect Direct, TSO, FTP, JCL, WAAPDSUT, C++, UNIX, VI Editor, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
information specialist
March1998 - June 1998
For AT&T's WATS/SOP development organization, Heather provided consultation for new development project impacts, design, and implementation. Heather was specifically requested to conduct WATS/SOP University training sessions as part of a 30+ person full year 7-million dollar contract award. She developed the curriculum, schedule, all presentation materials, and managed room and equipment scheduling. Heather presented 2 classes a week for 10 weeks on topics including high level system introduction, using the on-lines, batch and real-time interfaces, order lifecycle, system databases, NPA split processes, batch scheduling, and other system specific topics. Average class attendance was 35 individuals with up to 50 attending the high level and introductory sessions. Heather coordinated a graduation event consisting of a fun-based final exam, class survey, and celebration activities and prepared survey feedback and recommendations for development organization District Manager.
Technologies: IMS, PL/1, COBOL, TSO, File-Aid for IMS, JCL, IMFTS, HTML, Netscape, CCWin, Visio, NDM, Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Image Composer, Word, Schedule+, and Outlook
information specialist, systems engineer, technical associate
January 1995 - December 1997

Heather performed production support activities in support of AT&T's WATS/SOP system. Responsibilities included participation in 24 by 7 callout rotation, batch and on-line problem resolution, monitoring system statistics, identifying system problems, managing maintenance activities, supporting quarterly release turnovers, coordinating database conversions, participating in analysis, design, development, and testing walkthroughs. She founded the WATS/SOP University (WSU), a series of highly effective knowledge sharing sessions, discussing all major components of the system with analysis, development, testing, production support, and interfacing system teams. She developed Source Tracking And Sign-out History (STASH) system to provide an automated and centralized source code management tool, using Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, and TrueGrid Pro. Heather developed a centralized reporting system to monitor maintenance activities and resolution of trouble tickets, using Microsoft Access. She uploaded system batch flows, schedule information, and other vital system information to AT&T's Intranet, and created the WATS/SOP Documentation Library, an HTML based tool, used to organize and facilitate use of system documentation.
Technologies: Visual Basic, IMS, PL/1, COBOL, TSO, File-Aid for IMS, MSAccess, JCL, IMFTS, Omegamon, HTML, Netscape, CCWin, Visio, RFFlow, Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Project, Word, Schedule+, Lotus, AFT, NDM, Microsoft Project, UNIX, PICO Editor, TrueGrid Pro

Administrative Manager for 12 EDS consultants supporting several AT&T customers. Heather performed career planning and mentoring, conducted performance reviews and assisted in personal problem resolution, and participated in team technical interviews and several open house events. She prepared team status reports, managed time reporting, and prepared billable hour projections. Heather created salary increase and bonus justification documentation, participated in off-site leadership meetings, and coordinated several team building and organization events. She oriented new hire and internal transfer team members at start of project assignment and facilitated Communications Industry Training sessions on the future of telephony.

technical associate
October 1994 - December 1994

Heather was an assistant Instructor for the pilot class of EDS Technical Training, Procedural Programming Using C, in the Herndon area. She provided guidance, motivation, and technical support to participants in technical design, problem solving, testing, and construction of C and Visual Basic programs and acted as liaison between participants and staff through open communication and status reports. Heather evaluated assignments, provided feedback to individuals, and delivered lectures to class. Heather performed system administration activities, took the role of Consultant during class project, and coordinated social functions and out-of-class activities. The group also participated in corporate development and team building activity sponsored by George Mason University.
Technologies: UNIX, VI Editor, Sybase, QuickC, Visual Basic, Microsoft Word

technical associate
September 1994

Performed analysis, design, construction, and certification activities to gather statistical information for Telex and Cable products from billing detail information which was transported through multiple datacenters using Network Data Mover (NDM). Heather developed software using MicroFocus COBOL which was then uploaded to MCI datacenters. She conducted research with contacts at several sites through phone and email conversations.
Technologies: MicroFocus COBOL, SPF/PC, MCI Mail, WordPerfect

technical associate
June 1994 - August 1994

Heather completed intensive technical training program using structured programming, database management, and graphical user interface skills and concepts while applying Joint Application Development (JAD), Rapid Iterative Systems Engineering (RISE), and Systems Life Cycle (SLC) methodologies. She developed applications using C, Sybase SQL, and Visual Basic in the UNIX and MS Windows environments and utilized Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) between windows applications and Microsoft Word.
Technologies Used: UNIX, VI Editor, Sybase, SQL, QuickC, Visual Basic, Microsoft Word

business associate
January 1994 - March 1994

Developed product associated process flows and interface models for MCI NOPS/OCIS through research and customer interviews. Heather also coordinated project documentation efforts.
Technologies Used: EasyCase, WordPerfect

cooperative education student
May 1993 - December 1993

Design, construction, unit and system testing during reengineering of EDS' Network Traffic Reporting System from an AS/400 to the Cable and Wireless' IBM mainframe environment. Heather wrote COBOL II, ADABAS, NATURAL, and JCL during system construction. Wrote and executed test plans during unit and system testing. She coordinated development of user guide. Maintained system flows for documentation deliverables and assisted the DBA with the definition of data dictionary for design documentation deliverables.
Technologies: COBOL II, ADABAS, Natural, ADASQL, CICS, Predict, TSO/ISPF, JCL, Easytrieve Plus, WordPerfect, Flowcharting III