Greetings from the Burning Man Romper Room!
Dear Friends and Family,
The first Café Crafts Party of the year was held in May in the Romper Room at the new Burning Man office. This room is a common space used for various work parties and projects. Like the rest of the office, it's a Burning Man museum in itself, full of art and implements from past years, and active with participation.
The mission of the party was to create lanterns for a dozen lantern trees for the Café. The trees will be constructed later on site. We made the lanterns by decorating fold-up laundry hampers with sparkly bits, fabric, and what-not. Now you see how Marcia, the Café's Art, Decor, and Lighting Manager, is a decor godess. She finds ingenious ways to make something from nothing, and encourages the artist in everyone. Top that with a groovy spread, tunes, a handful of Burners and it's a party!