Wish you were HERE!
Dear Friends and Family,
It's Thursday in BRC, and that means things are really coming together. Most camps have arrived, built their structures and brought out their toys, or should I say TOYS. Most folks have only been here a few days, but it seems like a month, and for the next couple of days this is home, these people are family, this is our community, and this is the beautiful world that we choose to create.
There is so much energy, so much joyous labor, so much celebration of life, and love for each other, that you can literally feel it in the air. Sometimes I have to check to make sure my feet are on the ground (again, this is quite a statement considering each of my boots must weigh 4 pounds!) My face hurts from smiling, and as I walk around the Café, Center Camp, and all of the city I find myself saying over and over again "I love these people and this place!"
Wish you were here!