Greetings from Burning Man!
Dear Friends and Family,
Burning Man begins today, and the citizens of Black Rock City are pouring in from all over the world. The playa has evolved from survey flags and heavy equipment at my arrival, to a full fledged city. It's already become difficult to keep track of the names of people arriving to camp with us at Café Village. Every person who pulls into town has some crazy story of their adventures getting here and is ecstatic to have finally returned home.
The Café is officially open, and the coffee grinders and machines started cranking first thing this morning. The decor team is putting some final touches on our beautiful Café Island, like moving furniture into position and cleaning up any remaining piles of random objects. Which is sort of funny, because people just end up rearranging them during the week, and then it gets to the point where it's just a sea of bodies lounging on every surface. At least we can say we tried!