Greetings from the playa!
Dear Friends and Family,
In mid-August, BizBabe and I caravaned to the desert together, after spending a night in Reno and stopping by the office in Gerlach. It's a six and a half hour drive from the Bay Area, deep into the heart of the barren Black Rock Desert. Gerlach is the closest town, about an hour and a half north of Reno.
There is an uncontrollable rush of excitement when you first drive on to the playa, even a couple of weeks before the event. Though there are no Greeters to meet you, or even a gate yet, between the terrain and the spectacular views, there is no doubt of where you are on the planet. Ahh, it's good to be home.
Feeling embarrassingly clean, Dana and I cruised up to the future home of the Café to check in on the progress. Great news! This was supposed to be the first day the DPW was allowed to move on to the playa by the Bureau of Land Management, but the date got moved up. The crew has already been working for a over a day and the weather has been good. The kingpoles are up and work has begun on the rigging. Some of the containers and trucks are in place, there are stacks of furniture nearby, and everyone is in great spirits.