The following links are shameless promotion of friends, businesses, and other projects deemed ultra cool and worthwhile by Bohemian Masquerade. Please explore and enjoy!

A terrific music in motion show currently playing at the Broadway Theater in NYC. The show features world champion snare drummer, Jeff Queen, who is one of the oldest and dearest of friends. |
The Burning Man Project
Burning Man is an annual experiment in temporary community dedicated to radical self-expression and radical self-reliance. Mere words cannot describe it. Prepare to lose yourself for hours while reading about Burning Man and looking at the beautiful image galleries from past events. Keep your eyes out for photo images from our very own mask artist AKA CameraGir! See you on the Playa! |

Caffe Proust
This restaurant in San Francisco is a second home and family. If you're in town, stop by for a great Italian influenced menu, a beer friendly folks, and a steady stream of music and other eclectic events. Make sure to say "Hi" to Miss P. |
Earth to Andy
Great rock band from Virginia and total sweethearts too! |
A fantastic band from Virginia who are dear friends since the early college years. They have a new album coming out this summer that totally rocks! Make sure to pick up a copy for yourself and check out their awesome live show when they come to your town. |
Laughing Squid
A super cool, artist friendly web hosting company in San Francisco and great source of info about the ultra cool things going on in the Bay Area. Many thanks to Spanky Tentacle! |
Mask Makers Web
Bohemian Masquerade is proud to be a member of Mask Makers Web, a website for mask makers and mask lovers around the world. |

The Pit
The coolest surf shop, night club, and restaurant in the Outer Banks of North Carolina! Stop in for a sandwich, a beer, a t-shirt, a surfboard, cool music, and great live bands. Huge smooches and hugs to Ben and Steve. |
© Heather Gallagher 2002 - All rights reserved